// Domain
Registration / Renewal
If you are a start-up business or established company, that does not make use of personalised email or who does not have a website – you have come to the right place. New Beginnings can register and host a personalised domain name on your behalf. Clients will immediately perceive you as being more professional by having a yourname@yourdomain.co.za email address.
If you do not wish to host a website on your domain and only require email hosting – no problem, we simply park your domain for later use and activate your personalised emails. You can host as many emails as you like.
A domain normally takes between 1 to 2 working days to register. If you wish to transfer your existing .CO.ZA domain to New Beginnings there will be no charge if the domain is still on the legacy domain system and R40 if on the EPP domain system.
We can register/host the following domains:
Local Domains:
International Domains:
.COM; .NET; .BIZ; .ORG etc
Starting from as little as R150 p/a for the registration/annual renewal of a .CO.ZA Domain. Get in touch for more info or to place your order.